Chapter 12 blog
1. What makes a president great?
Doing right by the people of the United States. Not fighting a war that we don’t need to be involved in. Reasonable taxes for everyone. Lowering the cost of health care. Lowering the wages of government officials. Raising the wages when the cost of living goes up. I’m sure we will not see these happening anytime in our lives. I think that would make a great president in this economy.
2. The 2 presidents that have been the greatest were Franklin D. Roosevelt because he wanted to put cash into the people’s hands, but didn’t want to give handouts. He made programs like the national labor relations act that was a federal oversight for working conditions and labor disputes. The Tennessee Valley Authority and the conservation corps. Which, employed and trained workers. The second president is Abraham Lincoln, he wanted peace, and he freed the slaves. He said this nation, under God, will have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, will not perish from the earth. Great words from a great man.
3. Abraham Lincoln was an effective president. He said there is no oath registered in heaven to destroy the government, he has the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it. His plan for peace was flexible and generous. He was reelected and ended the civil war. Inscribed on one wall of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C.: "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds....“ Those words are very moving. I think he was a sincere and kind man that wanted to do the right thing for the people of the United States.